Ordering repeat prescriptions
The easiest ways to order repeat prescriptions are:
- using your NHS account (through the NHS website or in the NHS App)
- using the GP online system: Patient Access

These accounts show you all your repeat medicine and dosage and you can choose the ones you need.
You can also:
- Fill out a repeat prescriptions request form
- Bring the paper form to the surgery, Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 6.30pm
- Email
If you would prefer to email your repeat prescription order please provide your personal details (i.e. name and/or reference number) and your prescription items from your printed request slip. - Email: gmicb-sto.info.chadsfield@nhs.net Please Note that our emails have an automated reply that renews each Monday. If you have received one of these you can be certain it has reached the correct person and you do not need to phone the practice to check
- Hand delivery or Post Bring your repeat prescription slip to the surgery and pop it into the box at the reception counter, or send it to us by post including a S.A.E and we will return it to you.
- Due to the possibility of errors, we do not accept orders for repeat prescriptions over the telephone.
Collecting your prescription
You can usually collect your prescription from the pharmacy two working days after you have ordered it.
You will need to choose a pharmacy to collect your prescription from. We call this nominating a pharmacy.
You can change your nominated pharmacy at any time:
- on the app or website where you order repeat prescriptions
- at your GP practice
- at any pharmacy that accepts repeat prescriptions
NHS Electronic Prescription Service
Prescriptions in England are going paperless. For repeat prescriptions, instead of giving you a paper prescription we can now send it to the pharmacy of your choice as part of the NHS Electronic Prescription Service.
What’s in it for you?
- Saves time – you don’t have to visit the surgery just to pick up your paper prescription. And you may not have to wait as long at the pharmacy as your repeat prescription can be made ready before you arrive.
- More convenient – you can choose to have your prescriptions sent to any pharmacy offering the service. This could be near to where you live, work or shop.
- Safer – it’s all done electronically, so there’s no paper prescription to lose.
Did you know all local chemists will collect and deliver prescriptions? You do not have to be housebound for this service. Contact your local chemist for more information.
All repeat prescriptions are regularly reviewed so after a period of time the doctor may ask to see you for a medication review.
For more information about EPS please visit the NHS EPS web page
Please note that we send all controlled drugs by EPS and where possible do not give hand written prescriptions

Prepayment certificates
For further information regarding prepayments of prescription charges including HRT please see the following article
Questions about your prescription
If you have questions about your medicine, your local pharmacists can answer these. They can also answer questions on medicines you can buy without a prescription.
The NHS website has information on how your medicine works, how and when to take it, possible side effects and answers to your common questions.
- If you have a problem with any pharmacy please note they are a private buisness and not part of Chadsfield Medical Practice. You can complain direct to the pharmacy or here
- If you have a query about your online prescription request please telephone 0161 983 9388 before 11:30am
Please read the following the following Chadsfield Medical Practice policy information if you take any controlled drugs
Opioid – New Patients A controlled substance is generally a drug or chemical whose manufacture, possession, or use is regulated by the government because of the potential for abuse or addiction. Such drugs include those classified as narcotics, stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, and cannabis.
A list of the most commonly encountered controlled drugs can be found at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/controlled-drugs-list–2
Many of our patients require strong, potentially addictive medication to help manage their condition(s). Of concern are ‘drugs of dependence’ (e.g. opioid medications and benzodiazepines), particularly when these are prescribed on an on-going basis. Due to increasing reports of abuse of prescription drugs and patient behavioral problems, Chadsfield Medical Practice has established a policy to ensure adequate treatment of your condition, while reducing the risk of problems with drug prescriptions. If you are a new patient to the practice:
- It may take time to get accurate medical information about your condition. Until such information is available, your GP may choose not to prescribe any medication. It is our policy that GPs do not prescribe drugs of dependence until they have a full clinical picture.
- Your GP may decide not to continue prescribing an opioid medication previously prescribed for you. It may be determined that such a medication is not suitable. It is our policy that GPs do not prescribe drugs of dependence if they feel that previous prescriptions were inappropriate.
- Your GP will evaluate your condition and only prescribe an opioid of the strength necessary for you. This may be different to the drug you had prescribed at your previous GP Practice. General practice standards:
- If the decision to prescribe is taken after a shared discussion of goals, plans, risks and benefits, you may be required to confirm your consent in writing.
- You will be asked to complete the Opioid Management Plan: Treatment Agreement that will detail our practice’s expectations when prescribing drugs of dependence. This agreement details your responsibilities as a patient taking a drug of dependence; any prescriptions issues; advice on taking your medications; how we will monitor your care; and the standards of behaviour that are expected. · Patients may need to acknowledge that their care requirements may be complex, and that referral for on-going care for all or part of your healthcare may be required. It is our practice policy that patient care is matched with the level of complexity.
- Patients are reminded that we have a zero tolerance on issues relating to staff abuse.
Do you have a fear of flying and want a prescription for assistance with this? FEAR OF FLYING
Medication reviews
If you have a repeat prescription, we may ask you to come in for a regular review. We will be in touch when you need to come in for a review.
Prescription charges
Find out more about prescription charges (nhs.uk).
What to do with old medicines
Take it to the pharmacy you got it from or bring it in to the surgery. Do not put it in your household bin or flush it down the toilet.
About pharmacists
Pharmacy First
Most pharmacies can help you with seven common conditions without needing a GP appointment.
Speak to your pharmacist if you suspect you have:
1⃣ Earache (in children)
2⃣ Impetigo
3⃣ Infected inset bite
4⃣ Shingles
5⃣ Sinusitis
6⃣ Sore throat
7⃣ Urinary tract infection (in women)
Visit your Pharmacy First and ask for more information about this free NHS service.
Many pharmacies are open until late and at weekends. You do not need an appointment.
Most pharmacies have a private consultation room where you can discuss issues with pharmacy staff without being overheard.